508 Resource Limit Reached Error

This error indicates that your account is hitting the "Entry Process" resource limits. Our shared servers limit all cPanel accounts to maximum of 20 entry processes - essentially the number of concurrent Apache/server connections a cPanel account is permitted to make. This limit is used to prevent high server load by flooding Apache with concurrent connections. If the limit is being reached, website will start to show 508 error till existing requests will be processed.

If you are getting this error being displayed on your website, the first thing you'd want to do would be to check to determine if the account is hitting this limit. You can do this checking the account's resource usage under the "Stats" column in cPanel:

Entry Process Limits

What causes this?

An "Entry Process" is essentially how many PHP scripts you have running at a single time. For example, say you have a web page on your website which takes 0.1s to load, 10 different people could load that web page every second. Provided the next visitor to your site only asked for that webpage after the previous visitor had finished, you would only ever need 1 entry process to serve up that page to all 10 visitors. However if all 10 visitors ask for the webpage at precisely the same instant, all 10 visitors would be served the page 0.1 seconds after that, but you would have had 10 entry processes running during that 0.1s period.

An "Entry Process" would typically take roughly a second to complete, and it's extremely unlikely that you'd ever hit the process limit. If you have a low traffic website but are constantly hitting the process limits, it'd most likely mean something is wrong with your scripts and they are hanging around longer then they should. You'd want to take steps to optimize your site to improve performance. This could also be due to malicious traffic (typically bot activity) to the site. 

Should you require any assistance with this, please feel free to send an email to support@dtechghana.com and our admins will be happy to assist you in evaluating your site.

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