How to connect to the MySQL Database

Configuration Settings:

Host name = localhost (literally put localhost)
Database name = (Username_databaseName)
Database username = (Username_databaseUsername)
Database password = (whatever you picked)

WordPress Example: User name = joe1337 , Database name = wrdp1 , Database-user name = wp1 , Database-user password = eHTb7%Pxa9


// ** MySQL Settings ** //
/** The name of the database for WordPress */
define('DB_NAME', 'joe1337_wrdp1');

/** MySQL database username */
define('DB_USER', 'joe1337_wp1');

/** MySQL database password */
define('DB_PASSWORD', 'eHTb7%Pxa9');

/** MySQL hostname */
define('DB_HOST', 'localhost');


Note: When you move databases to our servers, the database name and username may change. This change must be updated in your script code. (The database name and username is clearly displayed in Control Panel, in the MySQL area.)

On shared servers, the database user name cannot be changed to something without the Control Panel user name in it.

It is possible for someone to use their Control Panel username and password to connect to the database. However, we NEVER recommend doing this because the first time you change or reset your Control Panel password, then your databases will stop working.

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