Changing the Name Servers of a Domain Name

In order to host a website on your domain name, you will need to obtain the Name Servers from the Web Hosting company with whom you wish to host your website and point your domain name to these Name Servers. If you have a hosting account with us, the Name Servers to use would have been provided in the welcome email we sent you shortly after the account was setup.

To modify the Name Servers of your domain Name:

  1. Contact your Web Hosting Company and find out from them the Name Servers you need to use.
  2. Log in to the Client Area
  3. Go to Domains -> Manage Domains
  4. Locate the domain you wish to modify and click on "Manage Domain" ( )
  5. Click the "Nameservers" link in the sidebar to the left.
  6. Enter up to 5 Name Servers and click "Change Nameservers"

Upon modifying your domain name's Name Servers, your website would begin appearing in a web browser, after about 24 to 48 hours (provided your Web Hosting package is properly setup and you have uploaded the content of your website). This is a standard time-frame required for a process called as DNS Propagation to complete Worldwide.

This process is not controlled by any single ISP/company and therefore cannot be hastened. Please see the related article for more information:
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